Consultants Profile
Schools Consultant
Sophie has worked in education for over 25 years, including at management level in some of Britain's leading independent schools.

Having worked on both sides of the 11+ and 13+ assessment divide, this is an area about which she is deeply knowledgeable and she enjoys sharing her professional expertise with families keen to identify the school at which their child will thrive and then assisting those families to secure places at their target schools by preparing thoroughly for the admissions process.
Sophie has experience of writing and marking assessments for 11+ and 13+ entrance to Alleyn’s School and short-listing scholarship candidates for 13+ places at Canford School. Her post as Director of Studies at a leading prep school gave her an intimate knowledge of the 13+ admissions process to all the leading HMC schools in the UK and she has an extensive knowledge of the various scholarships offered by these schools (both academic and non-academic) and how to prepare candidates for scholarship assessment. Sophie has a detailed understanding of the ISEB pre-test requirements, the ISEB 11+, 13+ and scholarship exams, and also the individual entrance assessment papers adopted by some schools in lieu of these.
Sophie now works full-time as an educational consultant and private tutor and mentor, specialising in supporting families through the 11+ and 13+ admissions process. She has recently helped a number of London-based families, some of whom have recently moved to the UK from overseas, to secure places at their first-choice schools, both in London and nationally. She excels in giving families, many of whom have little or no knowledge of the British private education system, a detailed understanding of the assessment requirements of individual schools and preparing children thoroughly for the interviews and tests they will face.
Sophie was educated at Roedean School, Brighton and the Universities of Oxford and Durham.