Senior Tutors Profile
Primary Education and Assessment
A veteran of primary education, Special Educational Needs and early learning skills, Anna is truly an expert in her field.

Anna has 25 years’ experience as a class teacher, SENCO/Inclusion Manager and Reading Recovery teacher, as well as being a member of the Senior Leadership Team as Acting Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion. She has degrees from the University of Reading and Birkbeck College, University of London, and completed a Masters in Children's Literature from the University of Roehampton in 2021. She holds a PGCE in Primary Education; a Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Studies in Education (SpLD/Dyslexia); and a Postgraduate Certificate in Special Educational Needs Coordination.
Anna has taught all abilities across the primary age range, and has a particular interest in helping children develop early learning skills. She has extensive experience working with more able children in English and Maths, as well as working with, and developing programmes for, children who need additional support. Anna has worked as a Key Stage 2 English national marker, marking reading comprehension and writing papers from children across the country.
She has delivered training on a range of topics including teaching children with English as an Additional Language; supporting children with a range of additional needs; differentiating learning for children of all abilities; and on all aspects of reading, including phonics and comprehension skills. She has also run training sessions for parents on how to support their child at home.
Anna’s approach is child-centred and flexible, targeting teaching to the individual strengths and needs of the child. She seeks to develop confidence, as well as knowledge and skills. Anna is an enthusiastic advocate of the transformative possibilities of reading, and the importance of developing a lifelong love of learning. She is knowledgeable, patient and kind.